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5 years

I have a big anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks. It's almost my five year anniversary of being diagnosed with breast cancer. I have had a wide range of emotions over the last few weeks while reflecting on that day. Part of that is because I chose to have my implants removed and go flat due to some health issues that were being made worse by having the implants. I'll be getting inserts in a few weeks. I also saw my oncologist for my five year follow up. I got a great report, but she is quite disappointed and frustrated that I am not taking tamoxifen. I feel like we go rounds every 6 months when I see her because I reacted very negatively to it and Lupron, but she is determined that I need to take one of those or have a hysterectomy since my tumor was estrogen and progesterone positive. I always leave those appointments feeling frustrated because I have discussed all of that with my gynecologist and she has a very differing opinion on what I should do. (I happen to have h
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trying this blogging thing again

Hi all! I have blogged off and on over the last 10-15 years, but I quit several years ago because I could never seem to get my thoughts out. I have missed it for quite a while and have decided to try again. I'll use this blog to share my thoughts on life, books I have read, products I have tried, and tips and tricks that I have found helpful. I hope you enjoy!